
Showing posts from May, 2023

Positive mindset for kids

Hello there, dear mothers! Today, let's dive into something truly magical that can make a wonderful difference in our children's lives – the power of positive thinking. As mothers, we're always looking to provide the best for our little ones, and fostering a positive mindset is like giving them a treasure that will last a lifetime. So, let's embark on this journey together and discover how we can nurture our children's minds with positivity and joy. How do you develop a positive mindset for kids? Lead by Example: Light the Path As mothers, we're our children's first teachers. Just as we teach them values like kindness, we can show them the beauty of a positive attitude. When faced with challenges, let's demonstrate how we handle them with a smile and an unwavering belief that we can overcome them. This gentle guidance paints us as real-life superheroes in their eyes! 😊🌈. Let's take the example of rain to teach children a positive mindset. So what y...

Why my toddler wants something then doesn't want it

Toddlers may show a behavior where they initially want something and then immediately say no due to their developing sense of autonomy and emerging preferences. As toddlers begin to develop their own likes and dislikes, their desires can change frequently. They may initially request or show interest in something but then realize it's not aligned with their current mood. Toddlers' emotions can fluctuate rapidly, and their desires may change accordingly. They might express a strong desire for something in one moment but quickly shift their emotional state. They're curious and want to explore a few things Kids are always curious and want to discover new things. That's why they sometimes say "no" and other times say "yes". When they say "no," it means they want to do things their own way and try to see what they can and cannot do. But when they say "yes," it means they're excited to try something new and learn. For example, they ...

How to avoid screen time in babies and transform it into skill building time

Too much time spent in front of screens can harm babies' development and well-being. Here are some reasons, supported by research and statistics, as to why limiting screen time for babies is crucial.                                                                                       Cognitive Development Research shows that excessive screen time during the first years of life can hinder language development, attention span, and problem-solving skills. A study conducted by the University of Toronto found that every hour of daily screen time between 2 and 3 years of age was associated with a 6% decrease in expressive speech development. Chart (based on hypothetical data)     Social Interaction and Emotional Well-being Babies learn crucial social skills by observing ...

"Supercharge Your Child's Potential: Fun and Educational Skill-Building Activities for Kids!"

Skill-building activities are enjoyable and engaging games or exercises that assist babies in learning and developing new abilities. These activities provide opportunities for babies to explore their surroundings, enhance their sensory experiences, and practice various physical and cognitive skills. Here are Some skill-building activities for kid's developments. 🏵️ Tummy Time: Encourage your baby to spend time on their tummy to strengthen their neck, shoulder and core muscles. Place colorful toys or a mirror within reach to engage their attention. 🏵️ Sensory Play: Provide a variety of safe, textured objects and materials for your baby to explore with their senses. This could include different fabrics, water play, soft toys, or textured balls. 🏵️ Interactive Songs and Rhymes: Sing songs and recite rhymes with actions to promote language development and coordination. Incorporate hand gestures and movements to engage your baby's attention. 🏵️ Mirror Play: Show your baby their ...

6 Self-regulation skills for toddlers

What is self-regulation for toddlers? Self-r egulation for toddlers means they can handle their emotions, control their behavior, and make good choices. It involves recognizing and understanding their feelings, managing their reactions, and dealing with everyday challenges. Self-regulation helps toddlers handle frustration, interact well with others, and develop emotional control. It's an important part of their emotional growth and sets the stage for future self-control and well-being. At what age toddler learn self-regulation Toddlers begin learning self-regulation around 1 to 2 years old. Self-regulation is the ability to control emotions, behavior, and impulses. It's a gradual process that continues developing as they grow. Parents and whoever take care of child play an important role in helping toddlers learn self-regulation skills. With time and support, toddlers become better at managing their emotions and actions. Why Self-regulation is important for toddlers? Se...

Easy ways to deal with kid's tantrums

Toddler tantrums can be challenging and overwhelming for parents. As your little one explores their newfound independence, they may resort to tantrums as a way to express their emotions and assert themselves.  However, understanding why tantrums occur and implementing effective strategies can help you navigate these stormy mo ments with confide nce and grace.  How do you deal with kid's tantrums? Stay Calm and Composed One of the most important things you can do during a tantrum is to remain calm yourself. Take deep breaths, keep your emotions in check, and remember that tantrums are a normal part of a toddler's development. Your calm demeanor will help to create a sense of security and stability for your child. Understand Triggers and Avoid them if possible Experience Frustration. Feel anger or rage when things don't go their way. Desire to be in a control. face difficulty in communication due to limited language proficiency. O bserve your child's behavior and identif...

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Positive mindset for kids